I'm freakin' bored and pissed and my leg hurts.
My leg hurts because I had laser surgery on a vein on Wednesday. Its sore and bursed but I'm told the end results are well worth it. They better be because in about a year from now I have to have the other leg done.
So I'm pissed because I think my daughter has a milk allergy like an all of a sudden thing. My husband thinks I'm nuts and that she might just have a stomach bug. She is 11 weeks old. I'll save you the gorey details of the consistancy etc. I've decided to wait and call the doctor on monday since she isn't screaming in pain or uncomfortable her poop just likes weird. I'm probably being a hypo but I guess that is what mothers do.
After everything I've been through with this whole breastfeeding issues, then the C-Diff and now this I'm just at my witts end. There are days I feel like a shitty mother because something that is suppose to be so natural just isn't for me. I should be thankful that I have healthy wonderful children who love me, snuggle with me and make my life a better place. I guess its just still all the hormones and emotions of everything.
To top it off, I'm sick of this cold weather BS!! I want to get out and take my kids for a walk and do stuff. Instead we are stuck in the house. Plus my DH is leaving Sunday night for a business trip and isn't coming home until Thursday. Whoopie! I'm a trooper, I'll survive......with beer and wine and lots of it.
Ok, so I just tried to upload a picture it didn't work.......grrrrrrrrrrr I wanted to share my lovable, snuggable babies. Anyone...help?? Oh she's awake its going to have to wait anyway...