Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Children = No Sleep

Like you didn't know that already!!

Holy crap am I exhausted. My sweet baby girl decided that 4:30am is going to be her new wake up time lately. Then she takes care of business and then decides its PLAYTIME. I finally get her to sleep...in bed with me (big no no I know) and its about 5:45am then at 6am I hear my son in his room "Good Morning Mommy, I have good Sleep...come get me!!"

YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME? So needless to say I'm tired as all heck, I'm hungry, I need to do laundry I should really take a nap but I can't ... why you ask?? Because in about 7minutes my guilty pleasure comes on TV....DAYS OF OUR LIVES....yes that is right. I'm a junkie. The show sucks lately but I have to have it on.

So you see I do this all to myself.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Can You Tell

That I am still trying to get here and post? Well in case you haven't noticed computer life for me is now down to a minium. Chasing my son and carrying my daughter are my new priorities! I still try to read blogs and take time for me but I've had a rough few weeks and I'm finally feeling like me again. Thanks to my friends and my snarkies you know who you are!

So I must let you all know that I have lots of dirt to share and a good post that I'm working about regarding my first real marital challenge. This weekend was interesting to say the least.

You'll have to wait another day or so since I have to take Ellery to the doctor. You can probably see in the picture of her below that she has this little patch inbetween her eyes. Well, I thought it was excema, who wouldn't since her brother had it as a baby. Anyway, I did what the nurse said and now its worse. EEKKK!! So Nicholas is going to the park with a friend of mine and her kids and E and I are going to the dark side to see the scary doctor.

Hopefully its nothing...................