Thursday, April 13, 2006

EX~ Wifes

My DH's ex is a real winner! She is unbelieveable. I can't put into nice words how I feel about her lately but I guess its not really necessary.

THE STORY: DH oldest son is coming off CS June 14th. So he decided to EX and discuss with her the situation. He explained to her what will happen, that her CS will be cut in half the day he graduates. So apparently she doesn't really like that idea. She told DH that she wants to be fair about things, since SS still plans on living at home. DH said that is his problem, if you would like charge him rent whatever, what does he do with his money for work if he has a car with no payment and you pay for his car insurance?? um...she didn't know.

So the point to the story is that he asked her if she was going to contest the reduction. Her response was I don't know. He told her end of the week if not I'll do what I need too.

Well, the phone call came on Sunday. "Um, I don't know what to do" which in her idiot terms means. I'm calling my lawyer. So now we are in the same boat. Finding an attorney to get this woman in check.

I could go on and on and on about her but I have better things to do with my day than talk about her. Oh but I do have to say that she sent herself to collection for $40.29 and we got that call that she wouldn't pay it and she told collections to call us and we paid it. I'm wondering if we should have just let the agency deal with her. Hindsight is 20/20....

LMAO...............ahhh the people in this world.

I have more to write later today......this time about SS.

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